
Choreography Department

Choreography Department

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Edu-Creative Partners

Edu-Creative Partners

Edu-Creative Partners was a laboratory for cultural projects created by teams of artists and teachers who have developed plans of art education for pupils and students during one school year time.

CDA worked with teachers and pupils from the elementary secondary school Saint Sylvester.

Our main activities included an analysis about the needs of school, pupils, teachers and parents, and the development of the working methodology for the dance workshops.

The project results showed that our proposal meets the need of children for movement, creativity, art and knowledge of one’s body, next to the need of creating jobs for the young graduates of high schools and universities specialized in dance or choreography.

Promoter: Asociația MetruCub – Resurse pentru Cultură

Partner organizations: ADO – Artă pentru Drepturile Omului, ArtCrowd, Asociația Da’DeCe, Centrul pentru Educație și Formare „Sintagma”

Partner schools: Școala Gimnazială „Ferdinand I”, Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 5, Școala Gimnazială „Sf. Silvestru”, Liceul Bilingv „Miguel de Cervantes”

Media partners: Digi FM, Radio România Cultural, Modernism Punct Ro, The Institute, Totuldespremame, Roata Mare, Agenda Culturală Pentru Copii

Edu-Creative Partners was a laboratory for cultural projects created by teams of artists and teachers who have developed plans of art education for pupils and students during one school year time.

The plans of project started by practical demonstration and exploratory workshops:

12 education meetings through visual arts, contemporary dance and theatre heritage took place between 15 September to 15 November 2016 with approximately 100 pupils and 10 teachers from Bucharest.

For us, it was essential to acquaint the elementary teachers with contemporary art practices through the means of dance, helping them to better understand the need and benefits of contemporary dance in education, also the potential to develop new artistic and creative abilities for each child.

By tools of contemporary dance classes we aroused the curiosity for performing arts, particularly dance, stimulating in this way the interests of the kids and teachers to introduce hours of dance in the school curriculum.

We strongly believe in the project as a long term solution for providing access to dance, equally to anyone regardless of age, sex or social skills.

For the future, we aim to develop a national dance education project which promotes an active lifestyle, supported by a critical and creative thinking about the relationship with the body and the world around it.